Welcome To ELF School

Our preschool is a nurturing environment, staffed with dedicated professionals who facilitate learning based on trust, respect, and integrity.


Our ultimate goal as educators is to build self-esteem. With a positive self-image, successful experiences follow.


Just 2 ½ miles from Germantown, we are located in the education building of Boyds Presbyterian Church. Our scenic country environment greets you upon your visit.


ELF is an exciting place for your child to learn! We enhance each day by involving the children in art, music, writing skills, free play, and circle time discussions.

Our Services

The Best Preschool

ELF stands for Early Learning Fun, which is what our school is all about. ELF Preschool provides a stimulating and safe environment for children ages two and a half to five years of age. We seek to stimulate and develop children’s problem-solving and responsive thinking skills through staff and child directed activities in our daily agenda. Here you will find the best quality education for your child, at an affordable cost.

Class Schedules

2.5-3Years Old

Tuesday / Thursday

3-4 Years Old (A)

Monday / Wednesday / Friday

3-4 Years Old (B)

Monday / Wednesday / Friday

4-5 Years Old

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Friday
Tuesday / Thursday / Friday

Kindergarten Prep

Monday – Friday

Science Enrichment

Monday and Wednesday
Tuesday and Thursday

Want more Information

Call to setup a tour of our school or drop by during one of our open houses. We would love for you to meet our staff and see our facilities!

About Us

Our Philosophy

Our ultimate goal as educators is to build self-esteem. With a positive self-image, successful experiences follow. Early Learning Fun preschool (ELF) is a nurturing environment, staffed with dedicated professionals who facilitate learning based on trust, respect, and integrity.

At ELF preschool, we have created an age-appropriate curriculum that involves cognitive skills and social interaction. We enhance each day by involving the children in art, music, writing skills, free play, and circle time discussions.

Our students enjoy outdoor play in a safe, wholesome atmosphere, close to nature, away from busy streets, and with plenty of room to explore!


Elf Preschool started in August 1991. The founder, Christine Roe, created this social environment with a curriculum based program. Sadly, Christine passed away in April 2000. As a teacher at the time, Marsha Ford took over as Director/Owner of the school. Marsha and her staff have successfully continued the philosophy of the Early Learning Fun School.


Children and parents alike enjoy the wide open spaces, the cornfields, and the surrounding country homes. Our playground also brings smiles to our students!

Licensed School

ELF is licensed by the Maryland State Board of Education Office of Child Care. The school meets all requirements regarding curriculum, policies, facilities, and staff qualifications.

Small Class Size

The maximum teacher to student ratio is 1 to 12. In addition we employ terrific teacher aides to ensure students’ needs are met.

Lunch and Playground

Students enjoy lunch from home before heading out to the playground.

Scholastic Books

One of the most important parts of our job is to build a love of reading in our students. Every month, you’ll be getting Scholastic flyers from which you can order books.


At ELF, it’s all about early learning fun, including holiday parties, singing programs, and field trips. Family participation is highly encouraged.

What Parents Think

Our Team

Meet our Qualified Staff

ELF is licensed by the Maryland State Board of Education Office of Child Care. The school meets all requirements regarding curriculum, policies, facilities, and staff qualifications. The staff is professional and hired without regard to race, religion or national origin. Come to an Open House or call for an appointment and come visit us!

Marsha Ford


Reyna Denger


Annie Hanson


Jenny Flood

Teacher / Aide

Tisha Chrobak


Jennifer Barret


Susan Owens


Dee Smith

Substitute Teacher

Judi Clayton

Substitute Teacher

Ji Won Yoo


Jieun Lee


Deb Fisher


Emily Devine


Activities & Curriculum


Center based creative play. Your child learns, explores, and builds relationships on their own through discovery and play time.


Reading, stories, calendar, weather, siniging, finger plays, etc.
Led by the teacher, children in the classroom will all come together in a circle to read stories, talk about the weather, and interact with each other.  The goal is to interact and develop positive relationships with other children. Circle time helps children develop skills such as listening, thinking, speaking, concentrating, and looking.


During skills time, your shild will develop their motor skills by working on cutting, name writing, and practice the letters of the month.


Fun filled projects. Your child’s creativity is expanded as they work on fun projects with the teacher. Look out for you child’s art projects in their bag and let them tell you all about their fun day at school!

Lunch & Playground

Students will enjoy their home packed lunch next to other students and their teacher. Make sure to pack their lunch daily. Then they’ll head down to the playground (weather permitting)!


Alphabet Letters

L, F, E

  • Me and my family
  • Friends & Sharing
  • Safety/Home and school
  • Getting to know each other (Name Recognition)
Motor-Cross / Fine
  • Using writing tools
Alphabet Letters

H, T, I

  • Autumn
  • Halloween
  • Colors and shapes
  • Weather
  • Listen for main ideas, details, and sequence
  • Counting
Motor-Cross / Fine
  • Reproducing shapes
  • Cutting
Alphabet Letters

U, C, O

  • Health and nutrition
  • Thanksgiving
  • Manners
  • Letter and numerical recognition
Motor-Cross / Fine
  • Catching and Throwing
Alphabet Letters

Q, G, S

  • Christmas
  • Hanukkah
  • Music
  • Giving to others
  • Comparisons, classifying, matching
Motor-Cross / Fine
  • Moving to rhythm
Alphabet Letters

J, D, P

  • Community helpers
  • Transportation
  • Winter
  • One to one correspondence
  • Sequencing
Motor-Cross / Fine
  • Flexibility and Balance
Alphabet Letters

B, R, K

  • My five senses
  • Valentine’s Day
  • President’s Day
  • Feelings and emotions
  • Opposites
Motor-Cross / Fine
  • Stunts and kicking
Alphabet Letters

A, M, N

  • St. Patrick’s Day
  • Spring
  • Animals: Farm, Zoo, and Circus
  • Visual Memory
  • Patterning
Motor-Cross / Fine
  • Body Control and Awareness
Alphabet Letters

V, W, X

  • Easter
  • Plants / Life cycles
  • Dinosaurs
  • Auditory memory
  • Rhyming words
Motor-Cross / Fine
  • Patterned movement
Alphabet Letters

Y, Z

  • Mother’s Day
  • Father’s Day
  • Insects
  • Summer
  • Counting objects 0 to 20 or 0 to 20+
Motor-Cross / Fine
  • Moving with a partner

Our Tuition

Class ScheduleYearly TuitionMonthly Tuition
2 days per week$2,700$300
3 days per week$3,735$415
4 days per week$4,590$510
5 days per week$5,490$610

We offer a 10% discount for siblings enrolled. Tuition is based on a nine-month calendar year with the option to pay monthly. September’s non-refundable payment is due May 15th, 2025, which will hold your spot for the 2025/2026 school year. May 2026 tuition is non-refundable and is due August 15th, 2025, and October’s tuition is due September 15th . Thereafter, tuition will be due on the 15th of each preceding month. A late fee of $10 will be added after the 20th of the month. Tuition may be paid monthly, semi-annually, or annually. There will be no reduction in tuition for absences whether caused by illness, vacation, weather, or any other reason. One month’s notice needed for withdrawal.

We are also offer a Science Enrichment class held Mon/Wed or Tue/Thu for those in the 4 year old class. These students will partake in a fun science experiment daily. They will also have writing and math practice. The time is 1:00pm-2:00pm and the cost is $100 per month in addition to monthly tuition.

Get more Information

Not convinced? Contact us to find out more, or come to our next scheduled open house.

Our Location


Call us at (301) 540-3370

We are located at:

9821 White Ground Road
PO Box 305
Boyds, MD 20841


From Washington, DC and the South:

Take 270 North to the exit for Clopper Rd. Rt. 117 going North. Stay on Rt. 117 for about 15 minutes. Stay straight through the stop sign to White Ground Rd. ELF School is behind Boyds Presbyterian Church on the left.

From Frederick and the North:

Take 270 South to the exit for Rt. 121 going West. Stay of 121 for about 10 minutes. Turn right at the stop sign to White Ground Rd. ELF School is behind Boyds Presbyterian Church on the left.

Contact Us

First Name
Last Name